Facebook The Buyer

posted Saturday, April 21, 2012 in mark zuckenberg, facebook, aol, pantents, microsoft, current events, technology

So today's post is about Facebook once again and its shopping spree. In fact sometimes it looks more like they're giving money away, so we might as well go and ask for a couple of million dollars and maybe Mark Zuckerberg would just give it to us :)

Anyway, today I was reading the news, and I found out about Facebook buying AOL patents for a half billion dollars which were bought by a million by Microsoft.


Boot to Gecko

posted Friday, April 20, 2012 in news, current events, mozilla, firefox, aol, firefox os, mozilla os, gecko, gecko os

Mozilla Firefox used to be the number one alternative when it stood up against Internet Explorer and its internet browser emporium. Sadly, those days of glory aren't over but they have been overtake mostly because of Google Chrome which have become quite a popular choice for browsing the web.

However, this post is not about that, but it's about Boot to Gecko (B2G)which is an upcoming operating system for mobile platforms a.k.a cellphones, which promises to be the alternative on the open source for Android.


El Momento Zimmerman

posted Thursday, April 19, 2012 in zimmerman, martin, trayvon martin, noticias, news, current events, opinion

George Zimmerman es un vigilante hispano que causo controversia, o mejor dicho, sigue causando controversia por el asesinato de un joven negro de 17 años en Florida hace unos pocos meses atrás.

En  Florida, hay una ley llamada "stay your ground" que dice que si alguien aplica la fuerza para defenderse a si mismo o a otros de un ataque violento, se justifica incluso la muerte del atacante. En otras palabras, es una ley que proteger´â al ciudadano en caso de que este sea asaltado, y termine matando al ladrón.


Personal Production of Drugs

posted Wednesday, April 18, 2012 in drugs, medication, 3d printing, 3d, current events, news, applications
Well, the title of this post isn't exactly a reflection of what this is about, but you all know you need something catchy on the titles :)

I'm going to guess that most of you have heard about 3D printing, in fact, it has become quite popular since a couple of months ago they made 3D printers accessible to the consumer for building your own toys or even printing your own chocolate


Oracle V. Google

posted Tuesday, April 17, 2012 in oracle, google, sue, oracle sue google, lawyers, laws, technology, news, current events, noticias

Today, I read the news that Oracle is suing Google over API patents. That's like saying that Sony is suing you for buying a CD and listening on track 10 without paying respective copyright loyalties.

In any case, the story goes around this issue where Oracle which is the owner of Java is suing the Android system because some of its API makes it to work smoothly through different hardware which is what Android actually does and made it so popular.

The demand goes over the fact that Android is an open-source system, therefore is free to use and modify for everybody, but Oracle says that the fact is free makes Java less appealing to be used because there's no reason for getting any remuneration out of it.